Monday, August 3, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Speghetti And A Nap
Thanks to our Aunt Risa, and the youth conference we enjoyed a delicious spaghetti dinner last night. She just showed up with a pot full of delicious sauce and a ton of noodles. It was great for a couple of different reasons. 1. I didn't have to cook it! Yea!!! 2. It just tasted great. 3. Who doesn't love spaghetti?
Well, Emmalee as you can see totally had her fill of it all. She ate and ate, and then passed out cold on her tray. She was dead asleep until the flash went off in her face. Once she saw the flash she woke up smiling and ready to go from her cat nap.
It was funny watching her try to get comfortable in her high chair. lol
Monday, July 27, 2009
Pioneer Day Celebration
This year we had such a fun time at the pioneer day celebration. Our stake put on a carnival. Our primary was in charge of a face painting booth. So each of the teachers and those others in primary we asked to participate. The volunteers were few, but it worked out and everyone that wanted their faces done got a turn.
I ended up doing a 3 hour shift. I have a real flare at painting boys faces, I wonder why? Could it possibly be all the years of Halloween? Maybe!
Most of the teachers were really good at the butterflies and things like that. More of the girly genre, but once I got there, the boys just seemed to be lining up. I ended up having to stay late since my line never went down, and there is nothing worse then letting a little guy down! Here are a few of the faces that I painted.
Logan wanted to be Demon from KISS.
Christian wanted to be a camo army guy.
His washed off around his mouth from all of the snow cones and food. He had a great time.
Walk Across California
In 4th grade, they have this program that is called A Walk Across California. It is one of the coolest things. All the students chose a genre of history that they wanted to dress like. There were kids dressed like Spanish soldiers, oranges, farmers, Indians, and so much more.
The night before, we made Logan an Indian costume. In my opinion, his costume was better then the store bought ones. Although, there were some pretty creative ideas for costumes!
The guy that put on the show was a crack up. All the kids got a chance to participate, and interact in the program. I hope this is something that each of my kids get the chance to learn from each year.
Another Crazy Hair Day
Some of the best things about changing school in the middle of the year is having a second crazy hair day!
Christian decided that he wanted to have spikes all over his head, and so this is what we came up with. It took us nearly an hour to do this hairdo.
At one point he was in tears because of the tight ponies. I felt so bad. I kept asking him if he wanted me to stop, but he was adamant about me finishing up his hairstyle. He is a crack up. Needless to say he was one of the best hairstyle and definitely one of the craziest!
Logan decided to go for the triple mohawk. His 4th grade class loved his hairdo. I have to admit that my boys looked exceptional in their crazy hairdos.
Gavyn is 6
Happy Birthday Gavyn! Our sweet little Gavyn has finally turned 6. When school starts this year he will be in 1st grade!
He was so excited to get this Optimus Prime helmet. He has been suggesting is for so long that we just had to get it for him. lol
Gavyn's cake
Happy Birthday Gavyn. Mommy and daddy love you so much, and are so glad that you chose to be in our family! You make our lives so exciting, and definitely keep us on our toes.
Jaidyn is 4
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Well, like every mother, I think I have the most beautiful children ever.
I love that they make me laugh every day.
I can't imagine life without even one of them.
Random Shots
These were just some random shots that I have taken of the little ones having fun.
Emmalee is in Oreo heaven! I think she actually managed to get it everywhere.
My cute little skinny boy Gavyn.
We have this little wagon that came with blocks in it. We Jaidyn likes to put Emmalee in it and pull her everywhere.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Logan Is 10
I am feeling really old now. Logan has turned 10 years old!!! For his birthday we decided to make him a 10 layer cake to celebrate the occasion. It took me all night long, but I finished it some time around 1:00am. He was so excited when he saw it in the morning.
The missionaries showed up that night,
Logan we love you so much. We are so lucky to have a little boy as sweet and special as you in our family. You are a great big brother, always a good example of kindness to them. We hope you had a memorable birthday, and got everything you wanted.
Of course he was so excited when he got Halo Wars. He wasn't expecting it at all, and from the look on his face I think his dad might have chosen right.
Fun @ Disneyland
On Logans birthday we went to Disneyland to celebrate. Of course we hit up the greatest ride EVER.
Midway Madness, or as I refer to it~ The Mr. Potato Head Ride. We are way too competitive as a family!
While the older boys went on a more scary ride, I took Gavyn and Jaidyn to get some cotton candy.
They would be happy all we did at Disneyland was eat cotton candy. It sure was fun watching them enjoy it though.
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